May 2020 - The Enchanted Forest - by Shelley

While the trail is wet and muddy at this time of year, it is possible to dodge the leaf-filled pools and puddles and enjoy the magic of buds beginning to swell, grasses turning green and that rich smell of earth waking up to produce new life. The frogs have been chirping at ear piercing decibels, but as egg clusters appear, their calls become less intense, more intermittent. Dandelions light up the grass beside the cabin, and soon other wildflowers will appear throughout the yard.

Unfortunately, the coronavirus is also maintaining its hold on the landscape of our lives, and changing how we move in the World. It is also changing our perspectives on what really matters. The time that we are able to spend with loved ones, beyond our immediate household, is limited at best. Time spent in Nature has become a saving grace for many. Even a walk or bike through a park can feel like a luxury. We are lucky to have so many resources, here on Minnesota’s North Shore of Lake Superior.

And as the spread of the virus slows, and we continue to make every effort to keep our visitors safe, we hope that you will once again, be able to take a break from your “new normal” and enjoy the peace of wild places. Whether you come to explore or just unwind, we look forward to welcoming you back soon.


Shelley Getten

We are a family of artists and teachers.  We love hosting guests from around the country at Two Harbors Hideaways and making art at Getten Creative, our home in the woods, where art happens naturally.